Monday, February 14, 2011

No Deal

And as quick as we made a deal, the deal fell through. The official home inspection was Friday. Our realtor was concerned because the inspector assigned the job by the bank has a reputation for being a deal killer. She even called the bank and expressed her concern. She was assured this time would be different. And........ he killed the deal. The list, which we haven't seen and probably won't be seeing, was "a mile long. " The one item our realtor did know about was the plumbing in our little cottage. The inspector reported that the plumbing was not up to code. Which, in a way, was deja vu for us. The last deal that we reached on the house fell through over the slab. The potential buyers had an engineer who explained that he thought the slab would settled in the next 5 - 10 years and recommended we put 11 cement piers across the back. We countered with our own engineer report. No cement piers needed. Slab is in good shape. We now have an official, stamped engineer report guaranteeing the condition of the slab. And so now we have decided to pay a plumber/contractor to meet us at the house to inspect the plumbing. We will work to replace any plumbing deficiencies and work toward obtaining an official guarantee on the cottage.

What a disappointment. I skipped the valentine dinner my husband made and went straight for the cake.

We are back to square one.

Our realtor tried to soften the blow by saying she has a family who has toured our house in the past, and has now contacted her again to tour the house another time. They have been looking and looking and there is just nothing out there. So they are reconsidering ours.

Ironman was philosophical about the whole thing. He says he has been looking at houses to buy and nothing catches his eye. So he feels like waiting will be good for us. That a great house will come on the market in the spring.

I'm tired of waiting.

And I am so GLAD I did not mention this contract to Dancer Girl or I.T. Girl.

Speaking of I.T. girl, she went to the dentist today. He recommended we contact the orthodontist about removing her bonded retainers. Her bottom teeth are shifting....... WITH THE RETAINER. And her 2 front teeth are pushed so close together it is impossible to floss between them. And she had a small cavity. She emphasized SMALL. I emphasized CAVITY. The first cavity among all three children. Wow. I should have taken a photo of the xray computer. Your xray shows up immediately on the computer screen. So fancy. I'll do it next time.

In other news, my niece is married. The Engineer drove over on Saturday morning from college and then all of us drove five hours to the wedding. Just beautiful. We all had a wonderful time. We were STARVING, though, by the time we got there.

Sitting around later I wondered out loud who would be the next family member to marry. I noticed Ironman had a funny look on his face. He told me later that it COULD be The Engineer. Oh no!! He is turning 20. So it is conceivable that in the next 5 - 6 years I could be the mother of the groom. Very exciting!!

I'm staying home tomorrow. I'm worn out.

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