Sunday, January 13, 2013

Well, it happened

Today Ironman and I took our youngest child to high school open house.  Yes, high school.  She will complete the 8th grade in May, the last grade in her middle school.  Next year she will move up to high school.  In our parish, students have a choice of high schools.  Each high school has a "personality".  There's the football powerhouse school, the academic achievement school, the performing arts school, etc.  Obviously each school must provide the educational standards so it's the extras that make schools attractive.

Dancer Girl could not wait for the assembly to finish. We visited the dance department, the fencing team classroom,  and the lacrosse team area set up outside the gym.  We spoke with the gymnastics coach and the choir director.  After about an hour I asked her if she thought we should visit an academic classroom.  :)  Not interesting.

This is the same school I.T. girl attends and will graduate from in May, so we already got the drill down.

Wasn't it just yesterday we went to kindergarten open house??

Earlier in the day I served in the preschool area at church while the adults attended the worship service. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  It's fast paced and creative and time just flies.  I don't think I would enjoy doing it every Sunday but I feel privileged that they trust me to serve once every 5 weeks.  So, thanks.

Ironman grilled turkey burgers for lunch.  We gulped them down because Open House began at 2.

I was so tired that I took a long nap.  Sunday afternoon naps are the best.

I had planned to make pizza with the cauliflower crust but I just didn't get around to it.  Have you ever had crust made from toasted cauliflower?  Me either.   I'm way behind the times because I've been hearing raves about it for a couple of years.  Today was going to the day.  It'll have to wait for another day when I have more energy.

I weighed and measured yesterday after my workout.  Day 30 of Power90.
Results:  I've lost 11 inches.  4 of those are from my tummy.  That measurement that goes straight around your belly button.

Oh, I told you that already?  That I've lost ELEVEN INCHES?  And I'm DOWN A PANT SIZE?  In 30 days?  OH, hate to keep repeating myself.

This week:
I will get The Engineer organized and ready to return to college for his last semester.
I will go behind Dancer Girl and make sure her science fair project is complete and ready.
I will complete the Cap and Gown form......... okay, I'll basically just give I.T girl the money and she can order her own Cap and Gown.  Yes, they order their own?  That's what she said.  I don't know the drill.
I will continue my Power90 workouts that I've come to look forward to and enjoy.

Operation:  Day 31 - 60  How many inches can I lose this time???

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