Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Begin Again...

I'm fine with the planning.  I can use excel and create a spreadsheet on any topic, print it, distribute it and delegate.

Planning:  check

Getting started - beginning - that's the part I struggle with.  I have been known to procrastinate.  Other things take precedent.  Other thing and other people's needs seem more important than my own.

Maybe it's a female thing.  I'm sure it's a "Mom thing"  I look around at other Moms and see them taking time for themselves and I wonder how they do it.  I notice they are letting other things "go" in order to make me time.  And yes, ME TIME is important.  I get that.

I get real satisfaction out of a clean kitchen.  Weird?  Maybe.

A good day to me is sorting and organizing, purging and cleaning.  Seriously!  Why would I kid about that?

I recharge with alone time.

Honestly,  I don't have the energy to add a friend.  I have flashes of wishing I had a friend.  Then I snap back to reality and think about the time and energy it would take...... and I lose interest.

And so I tend to be friends with the one I"m with.
Love the one you're with.
I follow that philosophy.
The downsize is I never bond.  I never form a true relationship.  As soon as I leave the room, poof, I'm forgotten.

Nothing is going to change unless I MAKE IT CHANGE.

Here's my plan.  (like I said, I'm good with planning)

Health:  I went to a new doctor a few weeks ago.  Let me back up.  I had my yearly appointment with my GYN.  I got no information.  And I had questions written down to ask!  I spoke with the nurse at the beginning of the appointment and related my questions.  I saw her taking notes.  But then my appointment ended so quickly that I was caught off guard.  One minute Doc and I were chatting in his office, the next minute he called the nurse in to ask about a mammogram facility and while she was helping me set up that appointment, he went to the next patient.  Uh, huh?  WTF?   I'm finished?

I could have made  scene and demanded for him to return and answer my questions.  Yes, I could have done that.  But frankly, that exact second I gave up.  I told the nurse I was leaving.  And that's what I did.  I left.  Walking to the car I got even more angry.  Nope.  Not going back.

I walked into my house and called a doctor that I had seen several years ago.  Made an appointment.  That was the first part of my plan.

My appointment with this doctor went much better.  She answered all of my questions.   She reviews the medication I was taking and prescribed something new.  Within 3 days I felt so much better.  My headaches are gone.  My energy has returned.  It's a new day.  (I do have a followup appointment Friday so I'll let you know...)

Medical checkup:  Check

Next:  Getting in shape

I'm not working this school year.  That's a story in itself.  I'll save it for another day.
my plan is to make ME my job.  P90X - get ready.  I'm coming back.  

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